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Sugar Craving - Group talk week commencing 6th December 2021.


There are millions of people world wide that know they should cut down on sugars and carbs, but really struggle because of the intense sugar cravings.

We are all aware too much sugar is bad for us, and when we reduce our intake we feel much better. However we keep returning to this bad habit of eating excess. WHY...

There are many explanations why we crave sugar.

  • Hormone Imbalances

  • Insulin Resistance

  • Depression

  • Stress

  • Poor Quality Sleep

  • Etc...

Have you ever thought that it could be caused by having a high amount of bad bugs in your bowel that is driving your sugar carving.

This is called Candida (Thrush) which is an over growth of intestinal yeast that we all have naturally present in our digestive trace; nevertheless if our digestion is below par and our immune system is compromised, Candida levels become out of hand. Due to being a yeast infection it needs sugar to develop and grow.

Candida overgrowth in your intestines causes...

  • Tiredness/Fatigue

  • Irritability

  • Foggy Head

  • Poor Concentration

  • Intense Carb Cravings

  • White Coated Tongue

  • Itching of Vaginal and Genital Area

  • White Discharge from Vaginal Area

  • UTI

  • Depression

  • Skin Rashes, Groin, and between Fingers and Toes

  • Bloating

  • Cramping

  • Bad Breath

  • Bowel Motion Changes

  • Reflux

  • Fever/Chills

  • Raised Heart Rate

  • Reduced Blood Pressure

How can we manage the sugar cravings when in studies sugar craving can be more addictive than cocaine and heroine.

Tip one - Make meals matter.

Get your nutrient intake balanced correct so that you are not craving sugar shortly after for more energy keep protein in every meal and good fat. i.e. meat, fish, eggs, beans, pulses, nuts, seeds, avocados, olive and when choosing refined carbs chose the whole grain versions keeping fibre high.

Tip two - Satisfy sweetness.

Eat more vegetables that are naturally sweet. i.e. sweet potatoes, pumpkins, squashes, carrots, parsnips, as these are rich in fibre and polyphenols which promote a healthy gut.

Tip Three - Nutritional needs.

Vitamins and minerals help balance blood sugar one in particular that is very important is magnesium.

  • Pumpkin Seeds

  • Almonds

  • Spinach

  • Shredded Wheat/Cereals

  • Avocado

  • Peanuts

  • Black Beans

  • Potato Skins

  • Chocolate

  • Broccoli

  • Chicken

  • Beef

  • Carrots

  • Apples

  • Salmon

  • Hake

Plus the complex Vitamins B, Vitamin C, Chromium and Zinc.

Tip four - Manage Cravings.

Don't buy problem foods, keep them out of your cupboards, substitute for naturally sweet fresh produce or herbal teas - apple, rooibos, vanilla or liquorice root are useful.

Tip five - Meal plan/timings.

Eat regularly balanced meals to reduce eating on the run or snacking.

Tip six - Identify Triggers.

Passing certain shops, vending machines, social interactions, activities. Try to take steps to change these habits, it won't be easy as these are done to feel good and because the activity is enjoyable it releases the brain chemical dopamine which strengthens our sense of reward.

Tip seven - By increasing our sleep/quality.

We can reduce our sugar consumption by 10g the next day.

To support this avoiding caffeine after 2pm can help.

Tip eight - Call someone.

Make a phone call to distract you, to someone that will directly encourage you to change, someone that understands.

Tip nine - Exercise.

Exercise regularly to help release feel good chemical serotonin, to help manage the stress hormone cortisol.

Tip ten - Take hot baths/showers.

Its linked to lowering blood sugar levels and helps relax.

How can you reduce your sugar intake...


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