When standing on the scales whether the bathroom, chemist, doctors, hospital or here, they only show you a snapshot number at that point of time. They give you your relationship between you and gravity.
That moment can bring delight, contentment and gratification, but it can also bring misery, disappointment, upset and unhappiness.
Your emotions can motivate, drive and inspire your journey but they can also discourage, hinder, prevent and dissuade our continuance of our journey's, it's at these times where Non Scale Victories change your focus away from that snapshot number to the bigger picture.
It doesn't matter where you are along your journey i.e. the beginning, middle, goal or maintaining, Non Scale Victories are so very important and you should take time to consider paying attention to them along your journey.
What could they be...
Clothes fitter better
Smaller clothes required
Belt notch moved
You feel heathier
Reduction in medication require
You've stopped obsessing over numbers
More confident in your own skin
You look forward to your meals
More energy
More adaptable to situations and emotions
You move more/easier/better
You look forward to activity
Your appearance is brighter
Your sleep is improved
You've lost inches
Less pain in joints/back
Improved mood
Healthier food choices
Paying attention to our NSV reinforces our journey and lifts our mood, allowing us continuance of our journey developing those healthy habits.
Take time to identify NSV
Consider there impact on your journey
Take time to notice how it feels to celebrate those NSV. (is it different from the number focus)
We are trying to lose/maintain weight for good health, the scales help us measure that but they don't define us.
Your NSV are what are going to keep you motivated long-term along your journey to a healthier life.
So look around take note of the inner and outer changes you've invested in becoming healthier and continue your journey.