How can we enjoy ourselves without bingeing, striking that balance.
Stick to portions
1/4 Plate Protein,
1/4 Plate Complex Carbohydrate's,
1/2 Plate Vegetables
and 1-2 tbsp. Healthy Fats.
Watching your Calorie intake i.e. track, weigh and measure.
Remain Active
Once that Turkey is in the oven head out for a Christmas stroll, I know the roaring open fire or the heating is much cosier and inviting, but a walk in the brisk winter chill is invigorating and great for your mindset.
Meal Preparation
I start preparing Christmas Eve and as I am, I add the recipes into my app so prepared on Christmas Day, to track what I consume. When laying the dining table I will place the scales next to me 'I need accountability, I need control'. How about you....
Plan for picking have snacks lined up, pre weighed nuts, Vegetables sticks with protein dips i.e. hummus, peanut butter, or earlier in the week pre make protein balls.
Watch your alcohol intake
making smart swaps
Egg Nog for Sloe Gin
Dessert Wine - Sherry
Mulled Wine with Sugar - Mulled Wine with Sweetener
Large Glass of Wine - Glass of Prosecco
A Pint of Lager - A Bottle of Beer (330ml)
Gin and Tonic - Gin and Slimline Tonic
Long Island Iced Tea - Bloody Mary
Wine - Spirits
Lager/Beer - Spirit
Remember to keep hydrated drinking sugar free drinks or water in-between.
Remember its just one day or maybe two, but be mindful and have a Merry Christmas with your friends and families.