Portions are personal to each of us, the right portion depends on whether we reach satiety within our deficit.
The most desirable way to know what that amount is, is to measure/weigh the foods eat.
Reaching satiety is also recognising does the food satisfy you. Satisfaction comes to us in varying ways;
an empty plate
a big portion
feeling full - satiety
Whatever is your definition of a satisfying meal there are ways of making it healthier acknowledging portion sizes.
If you feel satisfied once you have cleared your plate, swap the size of your plates to smaller ones, this will help you reduce your portion size, however you still feel satisfied as you've cleared your plate.
If you feel satisfied when you enjoy a big portion bulk your plate up with high fibre pulses and vegetables and meat. High fibre foods also keep us feeling fuller for longer.
If you reach satisfaction when you feel full, you need to recognise it takes 20 minutes for our bodies to acknowledge we are eating, taking on board this information, means we need to eat at a slower pace allowing us to really appreciate the foods we eat, embracing flavours, textures and aromas. This allows time for our brain to catch up with our stomach.
To find the right portion for you try weighing/measuring the food you eat.
Start by serving yourself a typical portion that reaches your satiety and satisfaction.
Then measure that portion. I personally recommend scales rather than spoons/cups as actual weight is more accurate.
Track the food and its weight whether through an APP or Pen and Paper/Journal, and check how the portion impacts your deficit.
Does the portion work well with in your deficit?
Perfect if it does and if it doesn't what could you change to support it to help you stay on track, still reaching satiety and satisfaction.
There are lots of tips to support us with portion control;
Drink a glass of water before you eat i.e. 500ml
Using smaller plates
Reduce our starchy carbohydrates i.e. pasta, rice, potatoes
Eat slower
Always plate up your food, never eat from the packaging.
Choose a soup as a starter, reducing the amount of main course you eat if feeling hungry.
Reduce meal time distractions i.e. TV, books, phones; allowing you to focus on embracing the food you are eating i.e. practicing mindful eating.
Always consider what is a suitable serving; Cooked pasta 75g Cooked rice 100g Vegetables or salad 150g-300g Cereals 40g Cooked meats 85g
If you enjoy finishing your meal with a dessert chose a piece of fruit/fruit salad where you can.
Managing your portions can be a powerful method for eating more nutrient-dense foods whilst fuelling our bodies to achieve our weight goals, by establishing great habits of tracking, weighing and measuring keeping with in our deficit.