Why are we here today, what brings us to these groups?
We are here with the goals and intentions of losing weight or maintaining our current weight.
But what is your 'WHY' ??
WHY do you want to lose weight??
One size does not fit all, everyone's WHY is completely different and personal to their own journey.
The key to identify your WHY is to ask yourself;
WHY do you want to lose weight?
WHY is it important to you?
If your WHY is strong enough to motivate you then enjoy the strength it gives you.
Your WHY could be;
Wanting to be healthy for YOU.
Wanting to stay healthy for your children, bring them up too with healthy balanced foods.
Wanting to be there for our grandchildren.
To look and feel amazing in clothes.
Wanting to be a specific size.
You will need to always remind yourself of your WHY and at times re evaluate it, because your WHY can and will change as your journey develops and your motivation changes.
If a day doesn't go as planned, it's remembering that its not the end of the journey, the next meal we can get back on track, no journey is flawless.
Weight loss journeys are like car journeys, along our countries potholed roads. Sometimes when driving along we hit a pothole and bounce right back out without any damage. At another time we will hit a pothole and blow our tyre. Some of us will able to replace that tyre and get back on track immediately, others of us will have to fit a space saver tyre, to keep us treading water until the proper tyre can be repaired or replaced.
Never lose sight of your WHY. Letting yourself be human will help you succeed.
Write down your WHY and keep it where you see it daily or photograph it to see in pictures.