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My Journey - 9th September 2023.


I've tried to work on my sleep quality and to identify why it's all of a sudden taken a serious downturn.

Now Ian my husband is on 24/7 call, the phone rings when we are in bed which is fine and I fall back asleep when he goes out. The issue seems to be when he comes back to bed. I'm literally up from then, whether it's 2am, 4am or 6am as cannot fall back asleep. So in these instances we've jointly decided that he will go in the spare room bed, so not to re wake me. The new spare bed arrives tomorrow, fingers crossed this is the answer.

But in the mean time my weeks sleep did improved and I felt more active this week which supported my decision making keeping me on track with food again resulting in a 2lb loss, which I was thrilled with.

Looking forward to even more sleep and another great week on track xxx

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