Being active holds many benefits for both our body and mind. It's a pivitol part of a healthy lifestyle, we call all benefit from being active, no matter of age or ability, and the more we are active, the benefits are significant.
Being active regularly supports us to feel better, look better and live bettter. Taking part in regular exercise can alleviate stress, anxiety, depression and anger, as exercising makes us feel brighter and positive.
The saying 'use it or lose it' is very relevant when it comes to being active, taking part in regular activity allows our body to maintain strength, stamina and ability to function properly.
We spend too much of our life these days being sedentary which increases our risk to heart disease and strokes. So by fitting in activity regularly reduces our risks, as it;
lowers our blood pressure
boost our levels of good cholesterol
improve circulation (blood flow)
maintain our weight goals
prevents bone loss/osteoporosis
Research shows people who are physically active, maintaining a healthy weight live around seven years longer, than those who are not physically active and not maintaining a healthy weight. Staying active supports the delay or even helps prevent chronic illnesses and diseases related with aging.
As adults we should seek to achieve 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigourous intensity activity, each week, aiming to accomplish this in short intervals of time, such as 10 or 15 minute sessions.
The UK guidelines on physical activity recommends three areas to priortise;
Reduction in sedentary activity
*Strengthening Activity helps support our muscle strength, bone and joint health and balance. Strength activities can be Yoga, Pilates, using weights or carrying heavy shopping bags.
*Cardio activities are often referred to as aerobic activities, these activities encourage you to breathe harder and faster, making your heart and muscles work harder, cardio activities can be swimming, brisk walking, cycling or playing different sports.
*Reduction in sedentary activity, literally means if you are required to sit for long periods of time, it's a good idea to regularly get up and be active walking further to the toilet, car park or canteen.
Being active supports improved sleep, improves our brain function and allows us to connect with others improving our social life.
How can you be come more active?