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Managing a healthy diet, with a health concern -Pt 4-Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-7/11/22


Fibromyalgia - Is a long-term condition that causes pain all over the body, other symptoms are increased sensitivity to pain, muscle stiffness, difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep, causing fatigue, problems with mental processes (know as 'fibro-fog') such as difficulty concentrating or remembering things, headaches, IBS and feelings of frustration, worry or low mood.

The food we eat can ease the Fibromyalgia symptoms, by eating whole foods and avoiding processed foods and food additives we can self manage the condition better.

Avoid add Glutamate

Glutamate is a neurotransmitter which is a chemical substance which is released at the end of a nerve fibre by the arrival of a nerve impulse and, by diffusing across the synapse or junction, effects the transfer of the impulse to another nerve fibre, a muscle fibre or some other structure.

Glutamate naturally occurs within the body and in some foods, however it is also added to foods as a flavour enhancer. The most common Glutamate add to food is Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), this MUST be listed on food labels.

MSG is commonly found in tinned soup and vegetables, some chips or similar crunchy snacks and processed meats.

To avoid MSG and other sources of added Glutamates read food labels carefully and don't buy.

Chose whole foods over processed.

Processed foods are typically high in calories and additives, with less fibre and other nutrients, we should avoid these and focus on eating whole foods, and when choosing carbohydrates chose whole grains such as quinoa, brown or wild rice, buckwheat, sweet potato or plain potato, instead of bread, pasta and white rice.

Follow a Mediterranean eating plan.

A Mediterranean diet is shown to have real health benefits including lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

Being rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes and low-fat or No-fat dairy products.

Avoid Cured Meats.

Cured meats are classed as processed foods as often have added salt or preservatives or have been smoked.

This includes tinned meats, sausages, bacon, hot dogs, ham, deli meat, corned beef and beef jerky.

Eat cold-water fish and fortified foods for Vitamin D.

Vitamin D can help reduce pain within sufferers of Fibromyalgia who are deficient in this nutrient.

Vitamin D is naturally found in Swordfish, Tuna, Sockeye Salmon, Eggs and foods fortified with Vitamin D such as orange juice and milk.

spending time outside exposes us to Vitamin D from the sunlight.

Eat dark leafy greens, nuts & seeds for Magnesium.

Magnesium helps prevent the excitotoxicity caused by Glutamate.

We find Magnesium within legumes, nuts and seeds, avocado, yogurt, bananas, fatty fish, dark chocolate and dark leafy greens.

Fatty fish, flax and Chia seeds for Omega-3 Fatty acids.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids can help reduce levels of oxidative stress, lowers levels of inflammation and can boost immunity.

Omega-3 is found in wild-caught seafood - Fatty Fish, Walnuts, Chia seeds and Flax seeds.

Include antioxidants with-in your diet.

Antioxidants are simple to identify in fruit and vegetables, look for foods that add colour to your plate. ie: red, green, orange, yellow and purple.

By following a healthy eating plan of whole foods helps support sufferers with Fibromyalgia.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. - Is a long term condition with a wide range of symptoms. The most common is extreme tiredness. Feeling extremely tired all the time - finding it very hard to do daily activities, still feeling tired after resting or sleeping, taking a long time to recover after physical activity, problems sleeping, such as waking up often during the night, problems with thinking, memory and concentration, muscle or joint pain, headaches, sore throat, flu like symptoms, feeling dizzy or sick, fast or irregular heartbeats.

The severity of symptoms can vary from day to day, or even within a day.

While diet won't cure Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, eating to increase your energy and tackle possible nutrient deficiencies can help reduce pain, and reduce extreme and ongoing fatigue, allowing an overall better feeling.

Increasing anti-inflammatory foods such like fish and olive oil can reduce inflammation which plays a part in Chronic Fatigue and limit inflammatory foods such as sugar, fried foods and processed meats.

Staying hydrated is very important in chronic fatigue sufferers as dehydration is known to make fatigue worse, where-as staying hydrated is important for improving and maintaining overall health.

Within some Chronic Fatigue sufferers they notice improvements when removing gluten or foods high in carbohydrates from their diet but this is not standard, and its important to listen to your own body.

Limiting your caffeine intake can support your condition as caffeine can lead to a false sense of energy which can lead to over doing it and affect your sleep. This is the same with sugar as can also lead to a false sense of energy.

Avoid processed foods stick to whole foods to support your bodies needs. Include healthy fats to help reduce inflammation and improve brain and heart health, these are found in Walnuts, nuts, avocados and fatty fish.

Complimentary foods.

  • Fruits (especially Berries)

  • Vegetables (any, especially leafy greens and orange coloured options)

  • Dried beans or legumes

  • Whole or cracked grains

  • Fermented dairy (Yogurt or Kefir)

  • Healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds

  • Dark chocolate (within moderation)

  • Spices and herbs (fresh and dried)

Non-complimentary foods.

  • Fast foods and fried foods

  • Frozen or packaged meals

  • packaged snacks

  • Sweetened soft drinks

  • Foods made with added sugar or white flour

  • Margarine or oils with Omega-6 fats

  • Alcohol

  • Caffeine

Whether you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or another Chronic Health condition, a healthy and balanced diet can support your body and help it to work better so you may feel better.


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