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How Shopping can support your Journey - Group talk week commencing 24th January 2022.


What's our biggest hinderer when it comes to shopping...


If we have a hard day the confectionary aisle calls our name.

If we are celebrating the alcohol and nibbles aisles calls.

If we are hungry well anything is game...

A spur of the moment shopping trip, that is unprepared can hamper our journeys.

Research conducted by R.S.P.H. (Royal Society of Public Health) and Slimming World, discovered one in five of adults accuse Supermarkets of causing them to fall off track, and more than one on three of us to "Impulse Buy" unhealthy products when on offer.

The evidence in repeated studies shows that when we go with shopping lists we are more focused and less likely to sway to offers.

In a recent study published by the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behaviour, the results showed that those who shopped using a list weighed less than those in the same community who didn't.

Another research projected conducted by Dr Nicole Au for Monash Centre for Health Economics discovered overweight shoppers who use a shopping list when shopping lost 1 1/2lb plus a month.

She said "When individuals worked with detailed meal plans and a grocery list to make the meals, it could have a meaningful impact on weight loss and long-term health among overweight and obese individuals".

Creating a shopping list/meal plan shows a pre-commitment to your coming weeks journey.

How does a shopping list benefit your journey...

* Lose more weight with a list than without.

* Less B.O.G.O.F, Special Offers, 3 for 2 impulse buys.

* You stick to your menu plans so not to waste ingredients brought.

* You pre plan snacks so healthier choices.

The most important advice for when shopping is, never to go when hungry as Supermarkets play on hunger piping bakery smells to the front door to entice you.

Take time to write a list checking contents of the pantry, Fridge and Freezer for essentials and adding extras for this weeks menu plans.

Having a list also destresses the shopping experience.


Woman & Home

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