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Friends on a Journey Ltd

Support and Accountability with your weight loss goals.

Home: Welcome

About Friends on a Journey

Be supported by Hannah Paterson to reach your weight loss goals. By allowing her to offer you support and accountability, for whichever path you choose for your journey.

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Home: About Us

Your Support

Woman Walking in the Field


Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens.

When we practice mindfulness, our thoughts tune into what we're sensing in the present moment rather than rehashing the past or imagining the future.

Mindful eating is maintaining an in-the-moment awareness of the food and drink you put into your body. It involves observing how the food makes you feel and the signals your body sends about taste, satisfaction, and fulness.

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A healthy diet is good for your overall health. It also can help you reach a healthy weight and stay there. To improve your eating habits it is best to make small lifestyle changes that you can keep doing over time.

Eating regularly is very important as if we don't eat regularly the body begins to increase production of cortisol, leaving us stressed and hangry. Skipping meals can also cause weight gain or make it harder to lose weight. 'When you skip a meal or go without eating, your body goes into survival mode,' Says Haley Robinson, a Piedmont clinical dietitian.

Normal eating is giving yourself permission to eat something because you are happy, sad or bored, or just because it feels good. Normal eating is mostly three meals a day, or four or five, or it can occasionally be choosing to munch along the way.

A healthy diet is essential for good health and nutrition. It protects you against many chronic noncommunicable disease, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Eating a variety of foods and consuming less salt, sugar and saturated and industrially-produced trans-fats are essential for healthy diet.


Group Discussion

Your Support Group

Welcome to Friends On A Journey, the Weight Loss Support Group that is created for YOU and likeminded people/friends, that know it doesn’t matter what weight loss plan YOU follow, YOU cannot do it alone.
YOU are looking for the support and accountability of an inspiring, understanding and likeminded Support Coach and the support of a likeminded group, where you can share ideas, your struggles and your celebrations in the confidence and at discretion.
For a monthly cost of £15.00 (£3.46pw), I will support YOU at Friends On A Journey by giving YOU the support and accountability, YOU require.
At the support group I will weigh you each week and guide YOU, accordingly, believing in YOU and what YOU can achieve. I will send YOU messages during the week of support following up from your weigh-in and I will be there at the end of a phone/message to support YOU when required.
Once I have weighed every member in the first part of the Group, whilst YOU are socializing and sharing ideas over a tea or coffee, I will then lead discussions of inspiration, motivation and mindfulness helping to create new habits to make changes to help guide you along your Journey, enabling YOU to achieve your goals.
Friends On A Journey Support Groups will offer you a secure network of likeminded people that will become your friends and a support network, offering support to each other, both physically in the Groups and also in the Private Facebook Group, which is made up of all Eight Group Members, so an even bigger network of support and ideas.
I will also take the time if you are not already signed up to a Weight Loss plan to discuss the options that are available to you, below I will list a few that you could look in to. (Prices 06/08/23)
*Nutracheck App £34.99 per year, free 7 day trial.
*WW online/App From £18.95 per month
*SW online/App From £60 per 3 months
*MyFitnessPal App £39.99 per year, free 7 day trial
*Calorie Counter lose it! App £35.00 per year
*See How You Eat Food Diary App £free.
*The Body Coach £89.99 per year
*NHS Weight Loss Plan App £free

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About Hannah Paterson


I started my weight loss journey on the 3rd January 2013. My WHY was then to be fit and healthy for my children and to be able to see them succeed.

My journey has been slow and steady; I have navigated many pot holes and still am navigating pot holes along my road until I reach my destination, but I am happy and healthy, both in mind and body, as I have created healthy habits.

I have as yet not reached my destination, however I have lost Eight Stone Eleven and half pounds (8st 11.5lb) as of 16th October 2021.

I became a qualified weight loss Support Coach with WW in 2017, but was made redundant in the second wave of redundancies during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Missing the support network of the physical workshops has made me realize, that I am not the only one that needs this form of accountability and support, this is why I have decided to extend my qualification by studying 'The science of nutrition and healthy eating.' whilst pursuing the field of Mindfulness, granting me further skills and knowledge to continue to guide others along their journeys, by creating this support company 'Friends on a Journey Ltd' that offers in person group support for your personal weight loss journey with like minded people and looking towards setting up one to one support.


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Workshop Times and Locations

  • Keyworth Centenary Lounge
    Keyworth Centenary Lounge
    Tue 6pm
    Elm Ave, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5AN, UK
    Tue 6pm
    Elm Ave, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5AN, UK
    Tue 6pm
    Elm Ave, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5AN, UK
  • Grantham Alive Church
    Grantham Alive Church
    Mon 9am - Wed 6pm - Sat 8am
    Mon 9am - Wed 6pm - Sat 8am
    Lincolnshire, Castlegate, Grantham NG31 6SQ, UK
    Mon 9am - Wed 6pm - Sat 8am
    Lincolnshire, Castlegate, Grantham NG31 6SQ, UK
  • Bingham RUFC
    Bingham RUFC
    Thur 9am
    Brendon Grove, Bingham, Nottingham NG13 8TN, UK
    Thur 9am
    Brendon Grove, Bingham, Nottingham NG13 8TN, UK
    Thur 9am
    Brendon Grove, Bingham, Nottingham NG13 8TN, UK
  • Melton Mowbray United Reformed Church
    Melton Mowbray United Reformed Church
    Tue 9am - Thur 5:30pm - Sat 10am
    Melton Mowbray
    Tue 9am - Thur 5:30pm - Sat 10am
    Melton Mowbray, Chapel St, Melton Mowbray LE13 1LZ, UK
    Tue 9am - Thur 5:30pm - Sat 10am
    Melton Mowbray, Chapel St, Melton Mowbray LE13 1LZ, UK
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Contact Us

13 Highfield Crescent
Croxton Kerrial
NG32 1QX


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